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Borderlands: The Handsome Collection |OT| -- A Game of Bonerfarts and Butt Stallions!
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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 17:20:42


Borderlands 2 follows the story of four new Vault Hunters as they fight to free Pandora from the clutches of Handsome Jack, the brilliant, charismatic, and utterly despicable CEO of the Hyperion Corporation.

Players will fight across the whole of Pandora to stop Jack from awakening an ancient alien evil known only as "the Warrior." Their quest will bring them into contact with some familiar faces from the old game and most notably, the original four Vault Hunters: Roland, Lilith, Brick and Mordecai. They, along with some brand new characters, will help players defeat Jack, destroy the Warrior, and save Pandora.


Handsome Jack -- The Villian -- Head of the Hyperion Corporation. Dedicated to wiping out "The Bandits" of Pandora. [That means You!]


Maya -- The Siren:

Bio: Her tattoos aren't just for show!

Special Ability: Phaselock -- Lockdown an enemy by phasing him into another dimension!


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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 17:27:28

Salvador -- The Gunzerker:

Bio: Not a People Person!

Special Ability: Gunzerking -- Draw a second gun and go nuts!


Axton -- The Commando:

Bio: Dedicated. Polite. Deadly.

Special Ability: Scorpio Turret 2.0 -- Deploy a Scorpio Turret that automatically fires at enemies.


Edited: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 17:28:38
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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 17:41:49

Zero -- The Assassin:

Bio: ???

Special Ability: Deception -- Create a holographic decoy and vanish for a few seconds.


Gaige -- The Mechromancer (DLC Character):

Bio: ???

Special Ability:  Summon Deathtrap -- Think of the robot as a mobile, smart-mouthed, melee-focused version of Axton's turret.


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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 17:56:47


  1. Sep 19, 2012
    Bigger, crazier and more diverse than original. A role-playing shooter that raises the bar for both RPGs and shooters. Wonderful.
  2. Sep 18, 2012
    It's expertly paced, cleverly written, gorgeously refined and beautifully executed. What surprised me the most is the sheer level of detail involved. Personalised character elements, the duel for loot system and the depth of your skill tree customisation makes playing for yourself more satisfying than ever. Symbiotic AI and meta-challenge systems give you more reason to fight on. And a combination of loot-chasing and story make Borderlands 2 a must own.
  3. Sep 18, 2012
    Pandora feels more like an actual place than a virtual battleground, thanks to Gearbox's attention to detail in this game...I mean, when was the last time you cared about the name of any gun manufacturer in any shooter you played recently? Listen, I've played the heck out of the COD: MW titles, and I've used a TAR-21 more times than I care to mention, but I couldn't tell you who manufactured it... The gun-makers in Borderlands 2 don't even exist, for goodness sake, and I'm already brand-loyal to one of them.
  4. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is a better game than Borderlands in every imaginable way. Scoff at anyone who calls it a v1.5 update; this is really what a sequel should be. At the most basic level, you've got the same great experience that the 2009 game offered, only with much more depth and variety.
  5. Sep 12, 2012
    With its unmatched co-op gameplay, intense shootouts, addictive loot collecting, expansive skill customization, hilarious dialogue, and insane level of difficulty, Borderlands 2 is one of the most rewarding gaming experiences of this console generation. [Oct 2012, p.90]
  6. Sep 18, 2012
    It's a game for gamers, and a stark reminder that often the best games aren't those that set out to redefine the medium, or seek dour creative legitimacy, but those that set out to entertain, to make us laugh, to surprise us, and make such an impression that we'll return to them for years to come.
  7. Sep 18, 2012
    Overall, I found myself stopping to smell the roses on a number of ocassions, attempting to raise my Badass Rank just for fun. Even in the more run-of-the-mill areas or quests you might encounter during the game, these challenges help keep things interesting.
  8. Sep 17, 2012
    Damned impressive, standing head and shoulders above the original and other games in the genre as the most addictive, engrossing co-operative FPS game of this generation. A bona fide game-of-the-year candidate.
  9. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 takes the franchises's successful formula of tons of guns and absurd humor combined with enough bells and whistles to make you drool like a dog at feeding time and simply updates it instead of changing it completely.
  10. Sep 17, 2012
    Bigger. Ballsier. Bullet-ier. Borderlands 2 is the antidote to stuffy military shooters. [Nov 2012, p.64]
  11. Sep 18, 2012
    Bigger, longer, better, funnier, and the list goes on and on. It comes closer to perfection, and even though there's still room for improvement, Borderlands 2 will be one of those game we'll remember in a few years when we think about "the previous generation".
  12. Sep 21, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is one of the best co-op games around and more broadly one of the most enjoyable ones, thanks to the sheer variety of weapons, enemies and missions, capable to entertain the player for many hours and several play-throughs. A must-play.
  13. Sep 17, 2012
    The story in Borderlands 2 is by far the biggest improvement. The humor and over-the-top style that was merely glimpsed in the first game are ever-present here. Strong personalities drive the experience from beginning to end, whether it's Claptrap's sense of self-importance, Tiny Tina's hyperactivity, or Handsome Jack's spiteful annoyance.
  14. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is everything fans of the original could have hoped for. No, it doesn't mess with a formula that already proved itself. Instead it supports the framework for a great role-playing game with a bigger world, while offering more customization options for its players. It's also one of the funnier games you're likely to play this year.
  15. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is a FPS/RPG fusion the rest of the videogame development world should stand up and pay attention to, because Gearbox has backed a real winner in this IP. A must-buy.
  16. Sep 24, 2012
    Overall, despite a small number of flaws, Borderlands 2 is well worth picking up. It provides the same action packed, RPG style experience found in the original game, spread across a larger world with lot more stuff to do and explore.
  17. 91
    A fantastic sequel full to the brim with colour, verve and personality, excelling as an enjoyable shooter with involving RPG elements despite more fetch quests than several dogs will experience in a lifetime. It's all wonderfully well-executed and fun to play.
  18. Oct 2, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is a must have, whether you have played the original or not, it adds plenty of new content and offers up enough change to be worth the purchase. Having the weight of expectancy on its shoulders hasn't done any harm and it certainly lives up to the hype.
  19. Sep 30, 2012
    It's bigger, better and more addictive than ever. If you loved the first one, you simply can't miss Gearbox's latest game.
  20. Sep 24, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is a role playing game combined with a shooter, including a Bazillionen weapons and enemies, with an extremely brilliant cel-shaded look. This and tons of loot are guaranteed to captivate the player to the screen.
  21. Sep 21, 2012
    An evolutionary improvement on the original and by consequence one of the best co-operative first person shooters ever made.
  22. Sep 19, 2012
    Borderlands is an amazing collection of bizarre weaponry, hectic fights and great humour. The different environments, crazy weapons and unique skills keep the game fresh from start to finish. The game might have been better off with a slightly lower pace when playing alone, but this is easily outweighed by the fun you'll have when playing with a friend. If you're going to buy just one cooperative game this year, let it be Borderlands 2.
  23. Sep 18, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is a denser, richer version of it's predecessor, never compromising on the gunplay that made the series worthy of a sequel.
  24. Sep 18, 2012
    The sound design isn't going to do much for you if you're not a fan of the direction electronic music has taken these days, but I personally feel that the game's soundtrack is of incredible quality and matches perfectly with Borderland's style and how it plays. It's intense, powerful, edgy and exactly what a videogame of this caliber needs in order to stay immersed with the atmosphere.
  25. Sep 18, 2012
    Gearbox takes all the good ideas from the first game and tweaks everything to produce a great sequel. Guns, a better story, more guns, nice character progression and even more guns make Borderlands 2 one of the finest games of this year.
  26. Sep 18, 2012
    An epic sequel with a compelling, entertaining, long-lasting single player and one of the finest co-op experiences of all time.
  27. Sep 18, 2012
    Borderlands 2 might not develop extensively on its forebear, but it has even greater power to hold you for hours on end, deftly weaving RPG stat development with skill-based play. It's enough to make every decision you make meaningful and fun, and lend the realisation that Gearbox knows more about the fundamentals of the shooter than almost any other developer.
  28. Sep 18, 2012
    'Shoot me in the face! Shoot me in the face! Come on, shoot me IN THE FACE!', a maniacal guy shouts at us passionately. A neck shot and dead body later, the message appears on screen: congratulations, mission accomplished. It's moments like these that show that Borderlands 2 has found its voice. One filled with uncontrolled anger, sudden mania, crude humor and lots of depth. The planet Pandora will keep anyone in its grip for at least thirty hours with intense shoot-outs, bizarre side-quests and crazy characters.
  29. Sep 17, 2012
    It's clear that GearBox wanted to attract the undecided gamers, and they've done it in the best possible way with Borderlands 2. Multiplayer cooperative fans should all head to Pandora.
  30. Sep 17, 2012
    If we were to level any specific criticisms about Borderlands 2 it would be the whole guns thing. Yeah, we get it, the game has all the guns ever, but to be honest a lot of them are pretty samey, with maybe a new adjective or stat change here and there.
  31. Sep 17, 2012
    The wacky world that Gearbox has built really shines in Borderlands 2. It doesn't just work as a means to deliver funny lines of dialogue, though. Here is an established universe providing ample free reign to contrive silly gameplay mechanics that defy both first-person shooter and role-playing game conventions in way that has me convinced we'll be seeing a lot more Borderlands in the future.
  32. Sep 17, 2012
    On paper, this sequel reads much the same as the original. But it's not - it's a vastly superior game with a sharper focus, better quests and more enjoyable blasting. Borderlands 2 is a gamer's game, so if you like shooting things, levelling up and exploring every cubby hole across a massive, varied world - if you love games, basically - then it's definitely for you.
  33. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 improves on all the elements that made the first one such a big surprise, offering a fun and complete package. Great for solo, absolutely fantastic in co-op.
  34. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is full of memorable moments and silly, crass folks – and if those silly, crass folks happen to be your friends, it's easily one of the best co-op experiences out there, and one of the best games I've played all year.
  35. The words "awesome" and "badass" are used a lot in this game, but Gearbox has earned the right. When you gunzerk into a crowd of bandits, get killed, and your shield's nova kicks in, wiping everyone out and bringing you back to life, you'll think so too.
  36. Borderlands 2 features an insane amount of content. Expect to spend at least 40 hours finishing the main story campaign, and much more than that to complete all the optional missions. Once you beat the campaign, you can replay the game in harder Vault Hunter mode with your veteran character for even better loot and rewards.
  37. At the end of the day Borderlands 2 is a game that should be played, as the fun factor is high, the addictiveness is through the roof, and the game provides hours of gaming entertainment.
  38. Sep 13, 2012
    A few relatively minor complaints aside, Borderlands 2 improves not only the narrative, but almost every major game system. If you've been itching for a reason to jump back into the world of Pandora, Borderlands 2 provides a more than ample supply.
  39. Sep 18, 2012
    Forget Borderlands. Borderlands 2 is so much better. The game, which combines shooter elements with RPG-elements, provides action, humor and a lot of diversity. It's a shame that the story is too hard to follow but nonetheless the game stays strong. Not to forget it's got an really addictive element in it: loot!
  40. Sep 17, 2012
    Nothing about it screams revolution of the series, but at the same time, it remains a fairly fantastic experience. If looting and shooting for 30 hours sounds great to you, and you enjoy the shooting mechanics, it is a no-brainer. Playing with friends is a blast, and the humor is outstanding. This is a finely crafted sequel that will likely impress all fans of the original.
  41. Sep 24, 2012
    If you love to laugh and shoot at the same time, Borderlands 2 is for you. The remarkable humor oozes through the whole 40 hour long game and is the glue that keeps the otherwise not-so innovative game together. Gearbox managed a pimped version of the original game but dared not to try something new.
  42. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 doesn't reach far beyond its predecessor's scope, but it does do almost everything better. Additions, refinements, and fixes all combine to create an appreciably improved experience, one that fully delivers on the promise of the first game. While Borderlands felt empty at times, this sequel is bursting with content and brimming with life, making it an absolutely delightful way to spend hours and hours and hours of your free time.
  43. Sep 20, 2012
    The only downside here is that at some point the game may still feel like you're going through yet another generic loot fest, ultimately offering very little substance to those gamers who expect a richer story and a connection with the in-game characters.
  44. Sep 25, 2012
    After a couple of slow hours in the beginning, Borderlands 2 starts for real. It's filled to the brim with guns and humor, complete with co-op, classes, skill trees and DLC on the horizon. This is a game that will keep you occupied for a long time.
  45. Sep 18, 2012
    We also take some issue with Borderlands 2's sense of humour. While it's welcome, it draws so frequently on up-to-the-minute memes that it becomes hard to remain immersed in an experience supposedly taking place in the distant future, on a remote planet, and among people who have no reason to understand the significance of an arrow in the knee. Most of it's just not that funny.
  46. Sep 17, 2012
    More comprehensive, more varied, better polished, Borderlands 2 still boasts the same strengths from three years ago, only enhanced. It's still a rather brutal FPS mixed with loot-whoring RPG, with a unique design and a super-violent, super-crazy world.
  47. Sep 17, 2012
    A fulfilling experience. The improvements to gunplay and customization take it further than its predecessor. Its story gives you enough hooks and motivators to want to see it through to the end. Unfortunately, it may feel like a bit of a slog to get there, and you'll want to sort out exactly who's hosting that game between you and your online friends very early on. However, with a well-balanced squad, there are few more pleasing experiences than taking down a gigantic robot constructor through four unique skillsets.
  48. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is a better game in most of the ways that matter, but some of that is brought down by the familiarity of the experience.
  49. Sep 17, 2012
    Borderlands 2 is unquestionably a better game than Borderlands. The new emphasis on elemental weapons and dismemberment make for better combat scenarios, and the constant character improvement is a great push forward for players looking for long-term rewards. But sticking around for those payoffs requires more patience than I'd hoped.
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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:08:39

All the Class Names are Clickable to see their Skill Tree!

Gaige's info will be updated once Gearbox updates their Official Page!

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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:10:30

Now Travo, Bear and I have a place to discuss the game without dominating the News Section! Once the rest of you all come around to just how --GREAT-- this game is, you can use this topic to discuss and/or meet up for some Co-Op!

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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:29:28


The Badass Ranking:

The Badass ranking system is a set of challenges for the player to complete. Doing so earns you tokens that can be redeemed for game-wide perks for all of your characters. Tokens can be earned by doing things like; killing 100 skags, completing a mission without dying, etc.

There are no limits on the level of Badass ranks that can be obtained, meaning a "dedicated" player can level up these skills to a ridiculously high level. (Some play footage has shown this level over 18000)

Once you have a token, the game gives you a choice of five randomly chosen stat-boosting options from a pool of fourteen. These fourteen are:

  • Critical Hit Damage
  • Elemental Effect Chance
  • Elemental Effect Damage
  • Fire Rate
  • Grenade Damage
  • Gun Accuracy
  • Gun Damage
  • Maximum Health
  • Melee Damage
  • Recoil Reduction
  • Reload Speed
  • Shield Capacity
  • Shield Recharge Delay
  • Shield Recharge Rate
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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:31:21

Nice job bro, I have to get in on some of  the multiplayer madness challanges!

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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:42:06

Borderlands 2 has an --INSANE-- amount of Easter Eggs and References to other games, next only to Retro City Rampage most likely! Here's a LIST but Beware, Spoilers abound!

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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:46:38

Of course, the --REAL-- stars of Borderlands 2 are the GUNS! There's no way possible to summarize the Billions upon Billions of different combinations available in the game, but at least this article describes the different Manufacturers and the different Gun Types!

Edited: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 20:27:28
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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 20:19:29

Your Co-Op Questions Answered:


Q: How many players can play Borderlands 2 locally (couch co-op)?

A: Two players can play split screen co-op on one system.


Q: How many players can play Borderlands 2 via system link or LAN?

A: Four players can play via LAN or system link.


Q: How many players can play Borderlands 2 online?

A: Four players can play online together.


Q: Is a Gold Membership required for the second player in combo co-op on the 360?

A: Yes. If a second player drops in for local co-op play they must sign into a gamertag if they want to save any progress. If Player 2 signs in as a guest, they will not save any progress (the game warns you of this). If a second player signs in with a Silver Membership they will be able to save their character's stats and progress but the game can only be played offline.


Q: How many players are supported in combo co-op?

A: Four players are supported in both LAN and online play. You can play any combination of players and systems including two split screen players with another two split screen players. (Four players on two systems)


Q: What direction is the screen split in couch co-op?

A: You can choose to split the screen either vertically or horizontally and can change the orientation on the fly.


Q: Does the PC version of Borderlands 2 support split screen play?

A: No, as of now there is no official way to play couch co-op on the PC.


Q: How do you begin a co-op session?

A: Easy drop in/ drop out from the main menu, or at any point in the game.


Q: Can I drop out from a split screen co-op game?

A: Yes. Players can drop out on the fly in any split screen game, including an online combo co-op session.


Q: Can I drop in to a split screen co-op game?

A: Yes. Players can join another player at any time simply by pressing start on controller two. A valid Xbox Live Gold Profile is required on 360 if you are playing online.


Q: What are the network options of Borderlands 2?

A: Friends Only, Invite Only, Open, LAN


Q: How does experience and money work for co-op in Borderlands 2?

A: All experience and money are shared.


Q: How does dropped loot and ammo work for co-op play in Borderlands 2?

A: Loot drops are not individualized. Don’t be a hoarder! Ammo is shared. Pick it up! Grenades and Rockets are not shared.


Q: How do quest rewards work in co-op play? Do all players receive the same reward?

A: Reward items for completing quests are given to each player. So if a reward offers a shotgun, and only one player turns it in, everyone else will have a similar shotgun added to their inventory.


Q: How does quest progression work if the host player is further along than my character?

A: Lower level characters will automatically have their missions marked as completed during the session in which there is a vast level difference between players. You will keep currency, XP, and any loot you earned or picked up in the session, but the actual completion of the story mission must be done again in your single player game. Special note: When a player returns to their own game world they will be given the option to "Fast Forward" through any story missions they may have completed once they have progressed to the proper time in their own story line.


Q: How does game progress work?

A: Game progress is shared between all co-op characters in a session so long as each character has progressed to the current story mission. If guest players are on the same story mission as the host, story progress will be saved in the guests' and host's campaign. Story progress will not be saved for characters who have not yet reached the host's campaign mission. Basically, you can't skip missions by playing co-op. You can still participate in the mission and get experience and loot, but if you go back to your single player game - you'll still need to complete it again. The player with the least story progression should host the session, that way they won't miss out on any story elements.


Q: Do enemies scale based on the number of players?

A: Enemy levels are based on a number of factors including the area and host player level. When more players enter the game the enemies become more difficult. They also drop better loot!


Q: What does Borderlands 2's season pass get you?

A: The Borderlands 2 season pass costs $30 and will allow you to download four sets of DLC as they are released from the time the game is released until June of 2013.


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Thu, 11 Oct 2012 00:22:39

Game looks pretty good, it might make a fine christmas present to get I reckon. I heard the game was basically just a better redone version of the first game, everything I have seen looks great. I'm just happy to see in the trailers that it isn't one big desert this time and that there are some different locales and such to visit. I generally liked the first game but it dragged a bit in the second half and got a little boring by the time you near the ending parts, this one looks improved in just about everyway though.

I hate that they kept skeeter though, god he is annoying.

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Thu, 11 Oct 2012 01:41:37
C'mon now, catch a ride!   This is easily becoming my GOTY.  It improves on the original in every way and I'm one of the few who actually completed that one.  The combat, how to describe it, it's balanced just right where you enemies aren't frustrating bullet sponges and you're not just plowing through them either.  When you do die or lose a mission, you want to continue, to push on.  Then you find yourself playing three hours later when you should be in bed and saying " Just one more quick mission!"

Multiplayer is a breeze to get in and out of and just incredibly fun.  There's a horde type mode that trumps Gear's Horde challenges.   And the weapons.....GASP
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Thu, 11 Oct 2012 02:00:07

Thanks for the comment and Thanks for mentioning the Arenas! I know this |OT| took a while, but it was for two reasons: (1) I was playing the game in my spare time, and (2) There's just sooooo much content, so much to say about the game, soooo much GOOD about it, I kinda got overwhelmed and didn't even know where to begin!

Which reminds me: If you or Bear want to contribute anything else, or you see there is something BLATANTLY missing that SHOULD be part of the topic, just let me know!


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Thu, 11 Oct 2012 03:03:59
Holy crap, all those Easter Eggs!  The only ones I remember finding are the Snow White and Top Gun ones.  Oh, and "Winter is Coming!"
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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:01:35
Good game, Leo.  I'm forcing myself to go to bed early tonight after two sixteen hour days earlier this week.  Then, instead of going to bed when I got home, I play an hour or two of Borderlands like a dumbass. Nyaa

I got an achievement for discovering a certain amount of areas tonight.
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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:03:14

Yeah. I was only going to play for a few minutes too!

Really. We should know better by now!


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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:07:23

Where else but in Borderlands can you say you Blew Up a Train, Rescued a Puppy, Ripped out some Tongues, Coated a Bomb in Laxative and Robbed a Bank... all in one Gameplay session?

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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:09:42
LOL  AND....found a new home for our puppy!

Yeah, the laxative bomb was a nice touch.
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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:15:45

...and that's not the last we heard of Dukino, either, apparently!

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